? Map major trails used by pioneers traveling westward by drawing them
on a given map
? Discuss the importance of the Oregon Trail orally by answering questions
? Summarize the Treaty of 1846 in writing
? Discuss the importance of the boundary issue between the U.S &
England orally by answering questions
Materials Needed:
? Westward Expansion maps
? Colored pencils
? Topographical maps of Northwest
? Transparency of Northwest with trails drawn in
? Oregon Country rich in land & natural resources
? Most pioneer families traveled along Oregon Trail across Rocky Mts.,
through Native American lands
? The trip was dangerous and long – illness, starvation, bad weather,
hostile Native Americans
? Westward Expansion threatened Native American homelands – population
of Oregon Country raised over 4500 in less than 5 yrs
? Border dispute between the U.S. & England ended with President
Polk’s compromise – the Treaty of 1846
? Treaty of 1846 settled on the 49th parallel as the border between
U.S. territory to the south and English territory to the north (Canada)
? Neither the U.S. nor England wanted to go to war over this land
? Move students into groups of 3 or 4
? Hand out topographical maps of Northwest and have students use geography
skills to deduce where major trails would have run
? One group map needs to be turned in with all group members names
on it
? When maps are collected, have students use map on overhead as guide
to draw the actual trails onto their Westward Expansion maps
? Have students take notes on Oregon Country lecture
? Have students color and label area of Oregon Country on their Westward
Expansion maps
? Circulate around room and check on progress of drawing trails
? Look through collected maps to check geography skills
? Active note taking during lecture
? Asking general questions to class