Transformative Educator Mindfulness Resources
Home----CSULA Mind Matters Initiative --- ASSC School Climate --- TCM--- Workshops
--- John Shindler |
CSULA----Charter College of
Education----Learning Style Resources----Paragon Learning
Style Inventory (PLSI)----Assessment----Teaching Resources-----Mindfulness |
If we do indeed teach who we are, why not teach the real you Chapter 16 of TCM:
Teacher Thinking Excerpts from the upcoming book The Transformative Educators Guide to Mindful
Practice: Exercises to Promote Peace, Excellence and Quality.
Levels of
Consciousness/States of Mind
Personal Vision
Development Process
Sample Entry:
Looking out at Students
Sample Entry:
Negativity and Where it comes from
Psychology of
Success and Mindfulness: Chart
Visioning and Mindset Reflection (Ch 14 of TLR)
Teaching Matrix
and Personal Value System Connection *** More to Come
*** What is a
Transformative mindset? A transformative mindset is simply an intention to do
away with the self-limiting references (values, narratives, beliefs,
conditioning, etc.) that we are using currently and then opening ourselves to
discovering more of the potential within us, our colleagues and our students,
and then finding and applying the actions and practices that are most likely
to make that happen. |